
2 horses in run-in shelters in the winter

Winter Horse Care: Why Your Horse Is More Energetic in the Cold

Does your horse seem more energetic when turned out in the colder months? It’s likely not for the reason you think. Many horse owners assume their horses run around kicking and bucking in the winter as a way to stay warm but this isn’t necessarily true. 

Staying Warm or Releasing Pent-up Energy? 

Horses tend to act frisky in the winter, not because it’s cold, but because they have pent-up energy they need to get out. In the summer, horses are offered lots of physical activities and socialization with other horses that help to stimulate them and keep them busy. However, in the winter, most horses living in cold climates are kept indoors to keep them warm. This drastic decrease in physical activity means horses are going to act more lively when they do get to go outside in the winter. Even though it’s colder, it’s important to provide activities for your horse in the winter. If it’s not safe to bring your horse outside because of the weather, you need to provide them with mental stimulation to keep them from getting bored. Teaching your horse new tricks, hiding treats in their hay net, or adding apples to their water bucket, are great ways to keep your horse entertained when you can’t go outside. 

Keeping Your Horse Warm 

As the temperature starts to drop, there are some things you can do to prepare your horse for winter. Providing adequate shelter for your horse is one of the most important things you can do to keep your horse warm this winter. A three-sided run-in shelter is a great way to provide shelter while also letting your horse decide if they want to be outside. Horses can utilize the shelter to avoid wind, rain, and snow with the freedom to be active in the paddock if the weather permits. When using this kind of shelter for your horse, it is important to remember to provide them with clean, dry straw or shavings to help keep them warm. For the complete list of tips, read our blog post on Preparing Your Horse for Winter Weather

Whether you’re providing shelter from the hot sun in July or cold, wet snow in January, a run-in shelter for your horse is a great year-round solution to keeping them safe and happy. 

Horse with a Klene Pipe Hay Feeder

Saving Money with the “Hay Saver” Hay Feeder

Since 2020, hay prices have been on a steady incline, reaching their highest levels in over a decade. Although the market has recently stabilized, the costs remain high. This rise in prices is due to several factors, including weather-related shortages, inflation, and fluctuating demand. With hay prices still near historic highs, maximizing every bale’s value is essential. 

Our “Hay Saver” Hay Feeders are designed to minimize hay waste, ensuring more of it is consumed by your livestock rather than being trampled or left uneaten. Traditional feeding methods can lead to significant losses, and over time, this waste can add up, particularly when hay prices are as high as they are now. By reducing waste, these feeders allow you to stretch your hay supply further, making them a cost-effective solution for managing your resources.

Moreover, the narrow price gap between different types of hay means that efficiency in feeding is more critical than ever. Whether you’re using alfalfa or grass hay, the cost savings from reducing waste can be significant. The durability and reliability of our “Hay Saver” Hay Feeders ensure that this investment pays off not just in the short term, but for years to come.

In today’s economic environment, every dollar counts. Investing in a hay-saver feeder is not just a smart move—it’s a necessary one to maintain your farm’s profitability and sustainability. Protect your investment, ensure your livestock are well-fed, and keep your operational costs under control with our “Hay Saver” Hay Feeders. 

Wrangler Run In Horse Shelter Kits

Preparing Your Horse for Warm Weather

The temperatures are rising, the sun’s out, and we don’t have to worry about the snow anymore. Spring and summer are on their way! Without proper preparation, warmer weather can lead to dehydration, lethargy, and added stress for your horse. As the weather continues to get nicer, here are some tips and reminders for getting your horse re-acclimated to the warmer temperatures. 

  1. Take it Slow – Your horse just spent several months taking it easy as we waited out the cold winter. The worst thing you can do is jump right back into the saddle (literally) and expect to train as usual. Slowly incorporate more riding time throughout the next few weeks. The heat can be especially fatiguing even without physical activity involved. It is important to monitor your horse to ensure they acclimate to the physical activity and the heat well before increasing riding time. 
  1. Prepare for Bugs – Everyone likes being outside when the weather is nice, including bugs. Besides being annoying, insects can carry diseases and irritate your horses. Make sure to treat outdoor horse shelters and portable shade structures for insects to keep them away. 
  1. Provide Shade – If your horses are outside most of the day, provide some form of shade for them to escape the hot sun. Run-in shelters and portable shade structures are great ways to offer shade for your horses away from the barn. Run-in shelters are also great at keeping your horses dry during spring showers and summer rain.    
  1. Electrolytes and Cold Water – Make sure you are changing their water frequently as it can warm easily in the sun. Not only do horses not like warm water, but it can also pose health concerns if left for too long. Make sure you provide them with cool drinking water that is easily accessible. Drinking water isn’t enough to maintain healthy horses when the temperatures are hot. Make sure to provide a source of electrolytes, too, like a salt block for added minerals.   

Even if you follow all these tips, make sure to closely monitor your horses in hot weather as heat stroke can sneak up on them. If you are concerned that your horse could be suffering from heat-related issues, bring your horse into a cooler environment and contact your vet. 

Horse standing under a run in shelter in the winter

Protecting Your Horse from the Elements 

Whether it is the dead of winter or peak summer, protecting your horse from harsh weather is important for their overall health and well-being. Here are some preventative measures you can take to keep your horse healthy when the weather isn’t great, along with things to look out for during the winter and summer months:

  • Horse Shelter Kits: Give your horse protection from the elements with a horse shelter kit. In the summer, it provides much-needed shade from the hot sun, and in the winter, it protects them from hail, snow, and rain. Whether you choose a portable shade or a run-in shelter, you can ensure that your horse is protected from unruly weather. 

  • Horse Hoods, Turnout Blankets, and Coats: When the temperatures drop and it starts to snow, consider putting on extra layers for your horse. Although they have a natural coat that thickens in the month leading up to winter, they may still need extra layers to stay warm and dry. 

  • Sun Cream for Horses: Horses with lighter pink or white skin on their nose and face are more prone to sun damage in the summertime. Along with a shade structure, like a horse shelter kit, sun cream can help protect your horse’s skin from sunburn. 

  • Fly Protectants in the Warmer Months: When the weather gets warmer and the sun comes out, so do the flies. Although flies might seem like a mere annoyance, they can transmit disease to your horse, cause welts and skin irritation, and even cause damage to your horse’s hooves from aggressive stomping. Using a mix of fly repellent, like citronella, and leg bands can help keep flies away from your horses. 

  • Keep Your Horse Hydrated: Dehydration is a big problem in the summer, but did you know that the winter can be just as dangerous to keep your horse hydrated? Horses get a lot of their hydration from grazing on moist pastures in the fall and spring, but that moisture is gone in the summer and winter.
    • Summer- Just like humans, horses sweat when they overheat which, on its own, can lead to dehydration. But water can grow algae when it is hot outside, making it taste different, which means your horse may not drink it. To avoid this, make sure you are cleaning their trough regularly and checking it for debris. Also, make sure that the water is cool to encourage your horse to drink from it. 
    • Winter- Keeping your horse hydrated in the winter poses its own challenges. Water troughs are prone to freezing and horses don’t enjoy ice-cold water, especially when it is already cold outside. Make sure automatic pumps aren’t frozen so water can circulate. Adding a few apples can also help keep water from freezing thanks to the bobbing motion. Adding salt or electrolytes to their food can also encourage them to drink more water, but consult your veterinarian before doing so regularly. 

Knowing how to spot signs of distress, dehydration, or discomfort when the weather changes is vital for maintaining your horse’s health. Having the right tools at your disposal helps you avoid the consequences of bad weather and sets you up for success come summer or winter. Along with the tips above, adding a horse shelter kit is a great way to protect your horse from bad weather. 

horses in the winter

Preparing Your Horse for Winter Weather

As the temperature begins to drop, it’s time to start preparing your horse for the cold and snowy season ahead. Just as we humans bundle up and make adjustments for the colder months, our equine friends require some special care to ensure their comfort and well-being during the winter season. Here are some essential tips to help you get your horse ready for the colder months.

Horse Shelter and Bedding:

One of the most critical aspects of winter preparation is ensuring that your horse has adequate shelter. Whether it’s a well-insulated barn or a three-sided run-in shelter, your horse should have a place to escape the wind, rain, and snow. Provide plenty of clean, dry bedding, such as straw or shavings, to keep your horse warm and dry. 

Horse Blanketing:

Horses are generally well-equipped to handle cold weather, but some may benefit from a winter horse blanket. The need for blanketing varies depending on the horse’s age, health, and coat thickness. Generally, very young and very old horses should be blanketed. Healthy adult horses typically are fine with their winter coat that comes in when the days get shorter

Keeping Your Horse Hydrated:

In winter, it’s crucial to ensure your horse has access to fresh, unfrozen water. Invest in heated water buckets or trough heaters to prevent the water from freezing. Horses can become dehydrated in cold weather, so monitor their water consumption closely. Salt intake is important year-round, but especially in the wintertime. Salt intake during the cold months helps promote water consumption to keep your horse hydrated. 

Proper Nutrition for Your Horse:

Horses require extra calories to maintain their body temperature in the cold. Consult with a veterinarian or equine nutritionist to adjust your horse’s diet for the winter months. High-quality hay provides both essential nutrients and generates heat during digestion, helping to keep your horse warm. To decrease food waste, try a hay saver hay feeder

Exercise for Your Horse:

Keep your horse active during the winter. Riding or turnout time in a safe, dry paddock is essential to maintain their physical and mental well-being. Stagnation in a stall can lead to stiffness and boredom.

With adequate preparation, your horse will transition into winter easily. Use these tips to keep your horse healthy this winter.